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Glasses Tutorials

Glasses Tutorials
Tutorial 1:
Cleaning Lenses Fast

In this video tutorial, optician Phil shows you how to clean your lenses quickly and easily.

 Master  of Glasses
Cleaning Lenses – Fast Cleaning

When you’re in a rush and bad weather gets in the way, there's only one way to get the dirt and raindrops off your glasses. But before you start cleaning, you should make sure that there are no grains of sand, grit or other dirt that could scratch the lenses. Then, take the glasses in one hand and the cleaning cloth in the other. Clean the lenses in circular motions with your thumb and forefinger. Be sure to use a cleaning cloth for glasses or a material of similar fabric and not handkerchiefs, kitchen roll or other paper towels, as these will leave small scratches on your glasses. When you can see clearly through the lenses again, your glasses or sunglasses are ready to go.
In this video tutorial, optician Phil shows you how to clean your lenses quickly and easily.

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